Distinguished Lecturer Program |
CIUDAD DEL CARMEN, CAMPECHE - El pasado 14 de mayo del año en curso la SPE Sección México recibió a su segundo conferencista distinguido del tour 2017-2018, al Maestro en Ingeniería R. Scot Buell de Chevron Energy Technology Company con la conferencia “Waterflood Design and Operational Best Practices”. El evento registro una asistencia de 456 personas que siguieron la conferencia distinguida a través del evento webinar, ligas de transmisión, Facebook live y de manera presencial en el Auditorio Cantarell ubicado en las instalaciones del PEMEX del Edificio Administrativo No. 1 en Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche. Al termino de la presentación el conferencista distinguido respondió una serie de preguntas de los asistentes, así como de las enviadas por los diversos canales de transmisión de la SPE Sección México.
Al finalizar la sesión técnica el presidente de la SPE Sección México el Ing. Rafael Pérez Herrera entregó un reconocimiento a R. Scot Buell en nombre de la mesa directiva y la sección, agradeciendo su participación en el tour 2017-2018 en beneficio del intercambio de conocimientos técnicos para nuestros miembros. |
Biography |
Scot Buell has worked globally for 36 years as a petroleum engineer. He was a 2005-2006 SPE Distinguished Lecturer, is the author of 12 SPE papers, served as an SPE technical editor for 20 years, and has served as an SPE section Chairman, Forum Chairman, and Applied Technology Workshop Chairman. He has worked as an expert in the design of new waterfloods and the operation of existing waterflood projects in Asia, North America, Europe, and Africa. He provided technical leadership for 30 waterflooded reservoirs offshore West Africa for nine years. He currently serves as a corporate reserves auditor specializing in waterflood and EOR reserve estimates. He also serves as the principal researcher for thermal horizontal wells and thermal subsurface integrity management for Chevron Energy Technology Research Company. He holds a BS and MS in Petroleum Engineering and MS in Petroleum Economics, all from Colorado School of Mines.
Abstract |
Reservoir engineers cannot capture full value from waterflood projects on their own. Cross-functional participation from earth sciences, production, drilling, completions, and facility engineering, and operational groups is required to get full value from waterfloods. Waterflood design and operational case histories of cross-functional collaboration are provided that have improved life cycle costs and increased recovery for onshore and offshore waterfloods. The role that water quality, surveillance, reservoir processing rates, and layered reservoir management has on waterflood oil recovery and life cycle costs will be clarified. Techniques to get better performance out of your waterflood will be shared. |
Presentación: Buell 2017-18 DL Inyeccion de Agua r6