Mature waterfloods suffer from extended periods of ever increasing high water cuts. Although there are well established conformance technologies to arrest or mitigate these trends they have rarely been adopted across the field as part of a routine surveillance plan.
This presentation discusses two technologies that provide key information to design conformance jobs. They are Capacitance-Resistance Modeling (CRM) and interwell tracer tests. CRM, based on injection-production data only, provides a) interwell connectivities that are key to understand water distribution, and b) the ranking of injectors’ contribution to oil production, that immediately leads to injection optimization. Interwell tracer tests provide fluid flow paths and swept volumes required to design in-depth conformance treatments.
With the assistance of local laboratories, conformance experts, and Service Companies the surveillance engineer can lead an in-house multidisciplinary team to design and execute low cost conformance jobs, contracting out, if necessary, only field operations (mixing and pumping). In-house learnings will also contribute to lowering total costs.
Low costs result in low economic risks, a lower-level, faster approval process, which facilitates field wide deployment. Arresting and reversing the WOR trend should be a priority of the Surveillance Plan of mature waterflood operators, with the associated sizeable impact on production and reserves.
Dr. Glandt has more than 35 years of Reservoir Engineering experience in areas such as Field Development, Heavy Oil, Waterflooding, EOR, Smart Wells, and others. He worked at Shell for 28 years both in the US and internationally, covering a wide range of technical assignments and managerial responsibilities. He was manager of EOR R&D, Smart Wells Global Implementation, Reservoir Engineering Skill Pool for the R&D Organization, and Technical Manager for the Cedar Creek Anticline asset in Montana.
After retiring from Shell Dr. Glandt was Director of Development of YPF, the leading Argentinean oil company, and is now Sr. Consultant for QRI of Houston with assignments in projects around the world.
He holds an Engineering Degree from the University of Buenos Aires and a PhD from Princeton University, both in Chemical Engineering.

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